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Maximize Ethernet Bandwidth on Dell OneFS Storage with ATTO Performance EthernetTM using NFS over RDMA

Dell Dell October 15, 2024
Maximize Ethernet Bandwidth on Dell OneFS Storage with ATTO Performance EthernetTM using NFS over RDMA

With the explosion of unstructured data and exponential growth of file sizes are formats companies of all sizes are looking for ways to store and manage unstructured data without sacrificing performance and mitigating the costly downtime that can present itself while waiting for incredibly large pools of data to be transferred. Demand for higher-performance and bleeding edge technology is on the rise. As a result, new methods have been developed to take Ethernet bandwidth beyond what is possible on workflows with throughput requirements that exceed current TCP transport technologies with 10/40 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE).

ATTO and Dell have worked tirelessly to bring this joint solution together featuring support for these new methods including support for Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA), advanced protocols like NFS over RDMA, next generation NIC technology with SMART offloads, and ATTO 360 Tuning, Monitoring, and Analytics software featuring a custom tuning profile for OneFS storage that automatically brings it all together in a simple, easy-to-use manner.

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